Thursday, April 12, 2012

Viewing Platform Question/ Permit required?

Anyone knoe the approximate distance from the Brooks Falls viewing platform to the middle of the river?

Is a permit required to get to view the bears? How hard or easy is it to get? Thanks

Viewing Platform Question/ Permit required?

The answer to your question is NO. But first you have to fly there.

How hard or easy is it to get? From where to where?

The below information is from

%26lt;In the park, there are three viewing platforms located in Brooks Camp along the south side of Brooks River: (1) the Falls Platform located immediately adjacent to Brooks Falls, (2) the Riffles Platform located around 100 meters south of Brooks Falls, and (3) the Lower River Platform located adjacent to the floating bridge near Brooks Lodge. The Falls and Riffles Platforms are connected to a central covered platform by elevated boardwalks. Although bears may be seen from the Falls and Riffles Platforms at any time, more bears focus their activities near these platforms during the primary salmon migratory period of late June through July. Capacity at the Falls Platform is actively managed for a maximum of 40 people using an on-site waiting list. When the Falls Platform is at maximum capacity and there is a waiting list, visiting time on the Falls Platform is limited to one hour. Visitors waiting to access the Falls Platform are able to wait at the Riffles Platform or the covered platform.%26gt;

Viewing Platform Question/ Permit required?

Thanks ';places';. Is there any particular time of day that%26#39;s better for viewing?

I was thinking of staying at the lodge there so as to ge an early start on viewing, good or bad idea.

Would combining this trip with a Kodiak Island trip be worthwhile?

We%26#39;ve been to Alaska via cruise before and with a 3 day land pkg (dog-sledding, Brief Denali Park visit, gold panning, air- boating and other tourist things). Coming all the way from Miami Fl., so would like things to do to fill out 2 weeks in the NW. Thanks again.

Viewing the bears really depends on how well the salmon are running. I was there the end of June just as the salmon were beginning to run. On my first day there was generally one bear at the falls no matter what time I was there. On the second day, there were a couple of times when nothing was going on at the falls, but all you really need to do is sit tight and a bear will show up sooner or later. On my third day, the salmon run was picking up and there were at least three bears at the upper platform and one bear at the lower platform. I was told by many repeat visitors that when the salmon are running there are tons of bears at the falls at any point in the day.

I believe you can view the bears from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM each day – the NPS likes to give the bears 12 hours of “people free” time each day, but don’t worry, there will be bears walking around the lodge too.

Enjoy your visit! It’s an awesome place, but VERY expensive.

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