Thursday, April 12, 2012

Trip Itinerary

My husband and I are planning a trip to Alaska in May 2007. We will arrive on May 19th for a 4 day RV trip and then pick up a 7 day Southbound Cruise in Whittier on May 23rd. Our itinerary currently has us driving out from Anchorage up to Fairbanks for one night then down to Denali for 3 nights. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

We are planning a 1/2 day river cruise in Fairbanks (which includes a visit to a dog kennel), 1/2 day rafting trip on the Nannana River in Denali (weather permitting or canoe trip if too much ice). Any other must see ideas?? With only 4 days on land, we want to make the most of our time. We believe the RV will allow us the maximum flexibility and access to everything.

Trip Itinerary

cyclemama, what time is your flight scheduled to arrive in Anchorage on 19th? If you are arriving on 19th and departing on 23rd then you don%26#39;t have have four full days and I can%26#39;t figure out how can you arrive all the way from Florida on May 19th, rent RV and then drive to Fairbanks the same day and only for one night.

You have only four nights and that means three full days. I don%26#39;t know what time you have to be in Whittier on 23rd but you may need to stay for one night in Anchorage before your cruise starts. It is about 5 hours drive from Denali NP to Anchorage. Once there you need to return your RV/car, then take a ride to Whittier and it is about 1 hour drive. You have to arrive in a plenty of time for the tunnel opening. So as you see this is not just a quick drive from Denali to Whittier.

May 20-23rd is very early for Denali NP and it is possible that the road won%26#39;t be open. I don%26#39;t think the tickets for the shuttle in Denali National Park are sold for May. Check with

With such limited time and only one day for Fairbanks I suggest you skip Fairbanks this time. This town deserves more than just a marathon run through it.

I am not certain what flexibilty you have in mind and why would RV be the best option for your brief visit. If you are taking about lodging then in May you won%26#39;t have any problems, if you are talking about activities then most of them should be available at the at time unless they are not open for a season yet. Too bad you can%26#39;t dadicate a few more days.

Trip Itinerary

Place, thanks for the reply. We are actually flying in on the 18th from Ft Lauderdale and stying overnight in Anchorage. On the morning of the 19th we are getting our RV. If we don%26#39;t do Fairbanks, where do you recommend we go instead? Our cruise doesn%26#39;t leave Whittier until 9:00 PM on the 23rd. We are going to take the Alaskan Leopard shuttle to Whittier from Anchorage.

Here is a thought - you could do Fairbanks - just look at it as a day trip. It%26#39;s only a 2 hour drive from the Denali Park area.

Or - maybe head south a bit earlier and enjoy Seward for a day - it%26#39;s a delightful town, and the Sealife center is great!

You could also journey to Talkeetna and/or Hatcher Pass on your way up or down as well.

For rafting on the Nenana, check out Denali Outdoor Center - they have the best reputation on the river. You should do the shuttle bus ride into the Park, see the doggie demo on one of your days, and maybe attend either Cabin Night or Music of Denali during one of your evenings. Best of luck! :)

cyclemama, in your original post you said you will arrive on May 19th and because you have another night in Alaska then it makes a big difference. Yet, with such limited time I would suggest not going to Fairbanks instead staying for one night in Talkeetna on the way back from Denali NP. Do search here on this forum under Talkeetna to learn why this place is so popular with tourists.

Thanks Coalminer and Places. I think we might do Fairbanks as a day trip and/or will check out the other suggestions. I must note that this site has been invaluable to us in forming our plans. The travelers interest in assisting others is remarkable. And greatly appreciated.

One thing I should explain is that locals/Alaskans in general look at driving a bit differently - I go to Fairbanks just for groceries . . . that%26#39;s a four hour drive just for that . . .so driving 2 hrs or more isn%26#39;t a big deal. Now for my parents who live in the lower 48, a 2 hr drive is an all day affair - in the big trip category. So bear that in mind . . . if you are reading one of my posts/suggestions. As well, some people love a good drive, others don%26#39;t - and as a tourist, you%26#39;ll be stopping to see things that I would just shoot by. Hope that helps. :)

Coalminer, it definitely helps. We love driving trips and I%26#39;m sure with the scenery we%26#39;ll be driving through, it will be glorious. We%26#39;re flexible and able to roll with the punches so I%26#39;m sure we%26#39;ll be fine. Thanks again for your kind assistance.


Please excuse the crudeness of this post - but I feel it is necessary to accurately portray what you are up to in driving to Fairbanks -

Driving from Anchorage to Fairbanks is like being drunk in LA with a bunch of buddies, and then saying, ';HEY! Let%26#39;s go to VEGAS!'; During the first part of the trip, everyone is still drunk, and giddy at the prospect of getting to where they are going - about 2 or 3 hours later, the buzz has worn off, and you are now in for a penny, in for a pound, and you realize just how far you still have to go, and the remainder of the trip lasts FOREVER.

If you are on the limited time table that you seem to have, it would be a shame to spend all of that time in the car. Don%26#39;t get me wrong, I love road trips too, but I really feel like you will be dissapointed in what it ends up being like.

Having been to AK several times - I recommend that when you are there, knowing that you will certainly be back - focus on one area and not try to hit the whole state.

Going North? Hit Denali - go to Talkeetna, and everything in between!

Gonig South? Go to Cooper Landing - Seward and Girdwood! Do a glacier cruise - go to a dog kennel, ride the Tram at Alyeska Resort!

Coming from experience - I did the marathon drive a few years ago, and now when I go, I try to stay in one area, and I limit that area to roughly the size of New England!

Whatever you do, Have FUN!

Thanks for the good advice. And whatever we decide, we will most definitely have fun. We always remember that it%26#39;s not the destination, its the ride!

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