Saturday, April 21, 2012

Alaska SaltWater Lodge

Hi can anyone tell me how you make a reservation for Alaska Saltwater Lodge, I have tried emailing - no response.

I telephoned yesterday and had this bizarre conversation with a girl that they turned their emails off in the off season but the owners were not there at present but to call back at 6:30pm. But the good news that they were taking reservations but she could not take them.

So before I plan to set my alarm and get up 3:30am UK time has anyone got any tips or a better suggestion?

We really have our hearts set on staying here as all the reviews are great, it would appear that we just have to get over this one hurdle.

I%26#39;d really love to know how anyone else managed to make a reservation.

Alaska SaltWater Lodge

numbereight, I never tried to make reservation there but personally I don%26#39;t think I would want to deal with them. It doesn%26#39;t look like a good business approach and this is before your actual stay. Just think if for some reason you have to cancel or change your reservations., you would never get any answer from them. Do you really need this kind of stress? Maybe it is not a bad idea to to get over this one hurdle. Sure it is very early for making reservations but in this case it doesn%26#39;t look like prospective clients are respected. There are many lovely places to stay in Seward and hosts who do care about those who e-mail their inquiry. Just my 2 cents. Good luck


Alaska SaltWater Lodge

Just to let you;s moose hunting season in Alaska.....these folks may be taking some well-earned time off after a busy season, and maybe one of their teenage children answered the phone.......give them another call in a month or so, if they still sound flakey, you will have plenty of time to find another place to stay..........

Wow coming all the way from England ! it your first trip to Alaska.......hope you can arrange to spend at least 3 weeks, after coming that far you will want to see as much as you can.......

Hi Mombear

We are going to be spending just over two weeks 14 -15 days from the end of next August, the beginning and end are a bit loose as we are still looking at flights.

I am still pestering my colleagues at the airport I work at to sort out an airline to have a direct flight or one to Seattle, they are just humouring me now!

Over a cup of coffee I did do a show and tell of all the places we will be staying in which just made them jealous. However it did promt one of them to say ... I do have a business card from someone in Alaska... I may give them a call.... I even picked up the phone for him!

Anyway I can now answer my own question. I emailed the travel agency run by a lovely lady called Debra, who has sorted it all out for me. I had tried to stay away from agencies but as they charge the same price as the owner themselves its worth it. I have also done this for main street suites in Talkeetna.

So now we are set ....

You may want to try flying to Vancover instead of Seattle..if you%26#39;re coming from England...there are several budget airlines that are/will be flying there. Just a thought

Thanks for this I have both Zoom and Fly Globespan web sites staked out, the benfit for me with Seattle is that there is a nearly hourly service direct to ANC which gives us more flexibility...not that I would not like to see Vancouver as well.

Hi number eight, I like your photo of a polar bear.

Hi there ........I take it that you recognise it then..its still my favourite photo.


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