Monday, April 23, 2012

Looking for more Info. on Denali Shuttle? I've got some.

This weekend I just finished watching a Denali Park Documentary that just came out and it was AWESOME. It%26#39;s called America%26#39;s Western Parks: Hawaii and Denali. This is a MUST for anyone going to Denali National Park. I has some great info on the shuttle tour and how you can get there and get around the park. The most important thing I learned is what%26#39;s available once you get on the shuttle. Just thought I%26#39;d share.

Looking for more Info. on Denali Shuttle? I've got some.

Where did you see the documentary? I would love to see it before we leave. Thanks for sharing!

Looking for more Info. on Denali Shuttle? I've got some.

Probably PBS. You can check online for your local PBS schedule.

Actually, I rented it through Netflix. I%26#39;m not really sure if it will be on TV yet, since it just came out a couple weeks ago.

Can you let me know about the shuttle - we will have a care - I think we can drive part way into the park but need a permit. What do you know about that. Will be there next june - early June

You can only drive the first 14 miles into the park and do not need a permit. You can drive in further (to mile 29) if you are camping in an RV and make camping reservations. Go to the park%26#39;s website. It has all the info to answer all of your quesions.

rabi, please share all information by posting them here. If there is something available once we get on the shuttle that we don%26#39;t already know about please let us know. We all would like to learn new things from this forum.

floridatravelgal, travel10000 is correct and we already told you DO NOT NEED a permit to drive to mile 14. You NEED a ticket to get on a shuttle bus.

I am sorry to say this but I think that taking a bus tours (not the shuttle) to the park is a waist of money. Yet, I feel grateful to those who want to pay more and subsidize services provided for those of us who are happy to pay less for the same product.

The shuttle buses are green. The tour buses are beige.

If you are a professional photographer you may apply for a special permit.

There should be no confusion, no need to have a permit to drive to mile 14. Check out the website provided by a previous poster and info on all transportation within Denali NP is also on

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