Monday, April 23, 2012

Entering Denali

We are planning a trip to Alaska for next summer and are looking for places to stay outside of Denali. I%26#39;ve reviewed the National Parks page and am confused about entering the park. Two questions: 1. Does the shuttle/bus service the park offer access any of the local lodging (I%26#39;ve read reviews that say their tours are better than the commerical tours offered)? 2. If you drive your car (only the first 14-15 miles that are allowed) is there a lot to leave your car and then proceed into the park on the bus, by foot, etc. for the day.

Thanks for the help!

Entering Denali

Welcome to the forum! Well, the shuttle buses provide transportation only into the Park . . . there are a few shuttle buses that do a loop so that you can attend the doggie demo%26#39;s, etc., but the main purpose of the shuttle buses is to get you into the park so that you can hike or whatever. The tour buses don%26#39;t go as far and cost quite a bit more. There is a great inside page that lists more of these details.

There are a few buses that provide transportation to some of the hotels/lodges, but these are not NPS shuttle buses, but rather transporation provided by those lodges.

Yes, there is a car lot at Savage River . . . it%26#39;s a nice drive and a good spot to park and do some hiking, but if I were taking the shuttle into the Park, I would catch it at the hub (VAC) for this - much larger parking lot for your car.

Here is a great website for other housing in the area, since you mentioned that you are looking: I would be happy to make personal recommendations for you if you know what you are looking for. Hope this helps some. :)

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