Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Denali Backcountry Lodge

Review preview

';Worth Doing Once';

? Aug 27, 2006:? A TripAdvisor Member

We stayed at the Backcountry Lodge Aug. 9 and 10th. We enjoyed our stay at the Lodge. The food was good but not great. The breakfast buffet was nice, lunch was a buffet with the day trippers and dinner was with overnighters in the lodge. Lunch was fine but I did expect a better effort than the dinners we had. This was about 2 stars, not 4.

The staff, though dwindling, really tried to accommodate the guests needs and activities. We attempted to take a casual, guide accompanied nature hike but the road was washed out near the Kantishna Roadhouse. Instead of the planned walk our staff person took our group on a walk nearer the lodge. It was a pleasant experience. That afternoon we panned for gold, went on the botany hike and generally enjoyed the scenery. Hors%26#39; de vours were served at five where all of the evening guests met for a social hour.

We did not have a naturalist talk either of the evenings we were there but the subjects that were scheduled were not of interest.

The cabins were rustic but clean.

This is an experience I would recommend for everyone to do once. I thought 2 nights was the right amount of time to spend. Our experience was expensive but worth it

Denali Backcountry Lodge

Good for you - isn%26#39;t it amazing being out in the Park? I haven%26#39;t been here - more familar with Camp Denali and North Face lodge. Not cheap to stay out there, but what an incredible experience . . . . I wish more park visitors did this. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. :)

Denali Backcountry Lodge

At the Houston airport on our way back home after 23 days in AK.

Denali Backcountry Lodge was our last destination. We spent 4 nights and really enjoyed them. I think 3 nights would make an ideal stay length, given the cost.. We had 1 clear day, 2 mostly cloudy, and 1 rainy. Nice 2 to 6 mile hikes each day. Cabin was larger and nicer than we were expecting. I give the dinner 3 stars.

I was surprised that they had wifi internet access...that worked most of the time.

We also had a good stay at the Backcountry Lodge last summer 2005. We did the ';Backcountry Safari'; so only had one nite in the park.

I thought the food was pretty good, but we went when there were fewer people--in late June. Don%26#39;t know if that makes a difference. I would%26#39;ve loved to spend more than one nite in the park though--it is an incredible place!

We also had a good stay at the Backcountry Lodge last summer 2005. We did the ';Backcountry Safari'; so only had one nite in the park.

I thought the food was pretty good, but we went when there were fewer people--in late June. Don%26#39;t know if that makes a difference. I would%26#39;ve loved to spend more than one nite in the park though--it is an incredible place!

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