Monday, April 23, 2012

Can't Find The Words!

I have only posted a couple questions on the Alaska Forum, only because many of my questions had already been answered. So thanks to the locals...great advice!

We just returned yesterday from a two week trip to Alaska. What an amzing place. I truly can not find the words to describe the sheer beauty of this incredible place...which is really saying something because I%26#39;m a journalist who uses words every day!!

We did a week cruise followed by a land trip. The cruise was ok, we got to do things that we wouldn%26#39;t have had the time to do otherwise. The highlight of the cruise for us was landing on a glacier and hiking for a hour, which wasn%26#39;t nearly long enough. However I%26#39;d think twice before doing another cruise...only because you don%26#39;t have nearly enough time to explore and that%26#39;s what Alaska is all about...exploring!

Denali was fantastic. Saw 8 bears, moose, wolves, foxes, the state bird...the Ptarmigan (did I spell it correctly? Or was I close!), snowshoe hares....the list goes on and on. Do the Park Service buses. Our driver/naturalist was so knowledgeable and informative. This bus system is one I%26#39;d lik to see other National Parks adopt, it%26#39;s truly the way to go.

We were blessed with amazing weather as well. We saw Denali, in its entirety three...yes three...days in a row. Where are the words? If you%26#39;ve seen it, you understand.

By far the highlight of our trip was going to Homer and flying over to Katmai to see the bears. This had been my dream ever since I opened National Geographic magazine nearly 35 years ago. I was speechless standing there in awe watching these amazing creatures. We flew with Bald Mountain Air. A little more expensive than the others, but worth every penny.

I%26#39;ve always thought nothing could rival the beauty of my home state of Oregon. But I think Alaska may have just been bumped to first place.....but don%26#39;t tell the folks on the Oregon forum!

If you%26#39;re planning a trip to Alaska next season, listen to the locals...they won%26#39;t steer you wrong.

Thanks to all who shared their insights!


Can't Find The Words!

Welcome to the club. There is a group of us, visitors, who adore Alaska.

Your trip sounds wonderful. You know I have similar thoughts that the bus system should be adopted by a few other parks too especially Great Smoky Mountains NP where crowds and pollution are already a big problem.

Were Ptarmigans turning white already? Did you have beautiful fall colors? Was there lots of termination dust on the top of the mountains? We were there in the end of August so thing probably changed already.

During our three days visit in Denali we saw at least 50 snowshoe hares. They were almost everywhere along the road.

Never been to Oregon but it is on our list

Can't Find The Words!

Hi Places,

The colors were beautiful. The leaves were all yellow near Denali with the reds of the blueberry bushes adding that extra splash of color. Further south, near Anchorage we saw a few orange leaves. Not the reds like you see in New England, but then Alaska isn%26#39;t known for maple trees! But the reds of the blueberry bushes made it very colorful.

The Ptarmigans were just starting to turn white. But the hares were still brown. And the bears were fat and happy. It was very comical to watch theones in Katmai attempt to walk, especially the ones whose bellies were dragging on the ground. They%26#39;d start that bear waddle and then their bellies would start swaying back and forth.

Our weather was perfect! And on the drive back from Homer to Anchorage we saw a lot of terimination dust. Much more than we saw driving to Homer and even around Denali. On the flight from Katmai back to Homer we did encounter a little snow. But on the ground it was just nice fall weather.

If you need info about Oregon I%26#39;m often on the Oregon Forum. We own a second home on the coast there and I%26#39;d be happy to share what I can about the place!

Another person succumbs to the raw rugged beauty of Alaska! Glad you hear you had a good trip! Our colors were just great until the wind came up one night, and now we are surrounded by bare trees . . . Fall goes much too quick for me! Yes, Oregon is beautiful, but . . . Alaska is just unique. Thanks so much for sharing with us. :)

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