Monday, April 23, 2012

Just started snowing . . . .

I always hope it%26#39;ll wait until October, but all the skiers and dogmushers will be thrilled! It was raining first thing this morning,and then it began to get thicker with distinct flakes, and now it%26#39;s beginning to stick . . . the start of winter begins today I guess. Getting darker every day, too . . . am I ready for this??!! :)

Just started snowing . . . .

We got our first heavy snow this past Sunday (Sept 24th). On the way down to Skagway it was just at the Summit (though very heavy), but by the afternoon we had 80 miles of snow heading back to Whitehorse. As you say, 4-5 weeks early, and NO, I%26#39;m not at all in the mood for it after a cold, wet summer.


Just started snowing . . . .

Yippiii! We have snow scheduled for Sunday. Bring it on!

Better you guys than me. I%26#39;m not ready to pull out the snow thrower yet : -)

aqua - I am not quite ready either - I still have petunias blooming in some flower pots . . . . we have had a mild fall, and I was hoping it would continue for awhile. Tomorrow will be yard pick up before it really decides to get serious! :)

Ok now it is snowing in Fairbanks! Big, fat, wet, flakes. Yay. Well except I need to go out and get the rest of my tomatos in.

Well, it appears that 1stimestar loves the snow. Coalminer, after vacationing in Hawaai, I wouldn%26#39;t welcome the white stuff yet either : - ).

We%26#39;ve had an early Fall here in the Northeast, and I have a yard full of leaves to rake. Hmmm! Maybe the white stuff isn%26#39;t too bad afterall!

(Now when is my next vacation????)

Yes, I can use a vacation right about now. OK, Hawaii only has 2 ';a';s.

Hello all,

Indiana here. Got down to the mid 30%26#39;s a day or so ago but supposed to be in the low 80%26#39;s the next couple of days and the trees are just starting to turn.

The best part is my wife/I leave for Maui in a week for a couple of weeks. We do plan on coming to Alaska in a couple years(want to take the grandkids to disney or on a cruise next year) and the following we may come to Alaska so you may hear from me once in awhile. Take care and don%26#39;t hit me with a snowball.

What do you mean?It was snowing in Denali on 21st august.Enough to stop us getting past Toklat.

rangermax - have fun in Maui - I %26#39;ve noticed you on the Hawaiian forums. :)

rojaan1: Yes, it often snows in the Park in mid-August, but we don%26#39;t get snow here in the local area usually until September, thanks goodness!

The aurora was out in fine form last night . . . not colorful, but active and all over the sky - it was great! :)

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