Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Greed tax?

State of Alaska has just approved a new $50.00 tax for

each cruise passanger effective 2007.

The above info received via e mail from Vacations to go

Greed tax?

Yes, it is too bad the greedy cruise lines won%26#39;t suck it up for their passengers. Interestingly enough though, they spent $$$$ in advertising campaigns to try and convince Alaskans (radio and tv ads) to vote against it. I am sorry they are passing this tax onto their customers. I guess they think you should pay the tax instead of them, when the intent is that the cruiselines pay the that we can clean up after them.

Greed tax?

Hi there! Just to add a bit of information - the purpose of this is to pay for vessel services, mostly concerning our environment up here, as the cruise lines have a history of polluting and not cleaning up. This is to assure that they do that - and it will also pay for the larger cruise ships to have an ocean ranger on board to insure that they are following the rules for wastewater treatment and discharges. Once you see and experience the pristine environment here in Alaska, you will understand why the majority of Alaskans wanted this passed.

It is too bad the cruise industry passes it on to their passengers - wish that could be different.

Thank you Coalminer for clarifying. This issue is one that really bothers me, and it is obvious that I replied with more on the emotional side and less on the fact.

The information I saw said that $4 goes to pay for the Ranger, and the other $46 goes into General Revenue to be spent anywhere at all.


Who is correct coalminer or explorer.?All my taxes port charges came to over $500.00 each

for a cruise and land tour in Aug.2007.

Who gets that money?

I do not care about the extra $50.00 but I would like to know befor I had booked this trip

Well, as with all legislature, it%26#39;s worded rather obscurely . . . here is the link to the website that shows the initiative: Go down to the part that discusses Cruiseship taxation. Thanks.

Hey midon1,

You don%26#39;t have to do the cruise, and can save lots of money. Do you want to see the real Alaska? Then forget the cruise and tour on your own. You will be quite amazed.

I just received my pictures back from the tour I took of the Kenai Fjords National Park. Absolutely breathtaking....with the teal colored water and background scenery. Iam going to enlarge a few and hang in my office and home.

Inluvwithak is right......the cruise lines spent a fortune on advertising against this proposition.....I never saw one advertisement for the new tax, all were against.....mailers, tv, radio.....I%26#39;m willing to bet they spent more than $50 per each cruise customer on all those ads....

Another part of the new law dealt with ';truth in advertising';......the cruise lines would be required to inform their passengers how much they pay for each of the tours you book through them which would reveal their profit......that may have been a touchy subject also.....

%26gt;%26gt;Another part of the new law dealt with ';truth in advertising';......the cruise lines would be required to inform their passengers how much they pay for each of the tours you book through them which would reveal their profit......that may have been a touchy subject also.....%26lt;%26lt;

I think that%26#39;s the part that will get the whole bill tossed out in the court challenges that are certain to be filed. While interesting, how anti-commerce and discriminatory can you get? If people are too lazy, scared or or dumb to check with independent operators, it%26#39;s ';the American way'; to take full advantage of them.


Now now Murray,

As a Canadian, your last comment is rather insulting : - (

I%26#39;ll forgive it however...given the topic at hand.

I stll feel that if one is upset over the tax increase...don%26#39;t cruise.

If one is upset over the increase in airline security fees...don%26#39;t fly.

It one is upset over the increase in gas costs...don%26#39;t drive.

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