Monday, April 23, 2012

Luggage on Seward trip

We are taking the train to Seward from Anchorage, and see it gets there just before the day cruises start. Is there a place to put your luggage until after the cruise? We are renting a car, but it seems like we may not have time to get it before the boat trip. Or are we better off doing Exit Glacier and the Wildlife Center that day and the boat trip on day 2, then hustling to the train that evening after the boat? Thanks -

Luggage on Seward trip

';...then hustling to the train that evening after the boat';.

Not sure I understand what you are asking mocrimlaw. You are taking yhr train to Seward from Anchorage..are you staying overnight for one or two nights?

I%26#39;m assuming the day cruise you are referring to is the Kenai Fjords cruise. Is it the 6 hour or longer tour?

During my recent stay, the cruiseliner docked in Seward, and we rented a car for the day. We drove to Exit Glacier for the hike, and also visited the SeaLife Center in Seward. We stayed at the Holiday Inn in Seward. The second day, I returned the rental car, checked out of the hotel, and made arrangements with the hotel to hold our luggage, as well as transport it to the train station for our 6:30 pm train to Anchorage (it cost $2.oo per bag). We then took a 6 hour tour of the Kenai Fjords National Park.

So my recommendation to you is to tour the other attractions on Day one, then do the day cruise on day 2.

Luggage on Seward trip

I would not plan on the cruise and the train in the same day. Unless you are going on a short cruise. We took the 9 hour cruise and we came back late ( due to a great sighting of whales). If anyone was planning on catching the 6 PM train that day..they would have missed it. I would call your cruise boat company. They all have offices right at the harbor and might be willing to store your luggage. But, what time do you plan on getting on the boat? What time does your train get into Seward? That might be tight on that end as well. Can%26#39;t you give yourself an extra night in Seward. Yuu won%26#39;t be bored. There is a lot to do and see.

Thank you for the replies - we have revised our trip to rent cars in Anchorage and drive to Seward, and do the all day boat cruise the next day, doing Exit Glacier and the Aquaium on the first day. We wanted to go on the train, because it%26#39;s supposed to be so nice, and there are 5 of us so we need 2 cars, but it just seemed like too much of a hassle with the train schedules - so thanks again!

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