Monday, April 23, 2012

Wedding on New Years Eve in Fairbanks

I%26#39;ve been invited to a wedding in Fairbanks, AK for New Years Eve. I am from California and have NO IDEA what to wear or what women usually wear to weddings in the cold. Is it just the coat to and from car that matters? Are cocktail dresses out of the question?? HELP!


Wedding on New Years Eve in Fairbanks

I should let the Fairbanks expert reply first . . . but I just couldn%26#39;t resist. Alaskan%26#39;s wear what ever they feel like to weddings and other social occasions . . . so yes, you can see tuxes, suits and cocktail dresses, as well as Carhartt jeans and your best Hawaiian shirt with big clunky bunny boots. :) It will be cold then - VERY cold to you, so you will need to borrow some warm boots, coat, hat, and mittens, etc. for while you are here. Most buildings are heated, so that shouldn%26#39;t be a problem as far as your evening wear goes . . . but you should plan for the cold the rest of the time. Hope this helps - any other specifics?? Good luck - you should see the Northern lights while you are here as well. :)

Wedding on New Years Eve in Fairbanks

Expect it to be cold for you, as you have been warned by Coalminer, though there was quite often a thaw between Christmas and New Years when I lived in Fairbanks.

Consult with the bride and friends on what they expect you to wear, and come prepared to slip on boots and coat (even if it ';spoiles'; the leegance for going from building to car to building. Perhaps a small carry-on sized bag would be handy for carrying shoes when you are wearing the boots, and one trick we normally don%26#39;t share is to bring your own house shoes. It is common to take your shoes off when you enter someone%26#39;s house, and if you have your own house shoes tehn you will have your feet as well protected and warm as you wish. The hosts will appreciate it!

I was at one concert at the Univeristy sitting between an unbathed hippie with bunny boots on and a fellow in a tux - also with bunny boots on! (these are tough to describe, but you can ask about them when you arrive). They make anyone look like they have feet like Mickey Mouse - huge.

Plan some side activities like a trip to the hot springs, a drive up to look at the northern lights, and other good activities. Make the most of it!


Hello Since 71- glad to see you posting on the forum again - we%26#39;ve missed your input. Thanks for taking the time to meet when you were in Healy last - I hope your trip with your friend went well . . . we are still having warm weather here, though you know that snow could show up any time. Take care. :)

It looks like there are a good number of visitors coming to Fairbanks this winter%26gt; I hope you all are cross-reading the topics, as not all suggestions given in one thread will be repeated in another. Oh yes, and I should use the spell checker more often so you will read ';elegant'; instead of ';leegant'; in my first comments.

Hi Coalminer!

It was great to get together and visit. Yes, my friend enjoyed the visit up here again and got to see the fall colors. The day we left Healy we drove out the Savage Trail to 8 mile lake - I haven’t seen it since about 72, and then we had to hike %26amp; ski in, it would have been a great challenge for four-wheelers then.

You live in a beautiful area. My own preference for staying in the vicinity of Denali is now Healy. There is a beauty to the Interior of Alaska that I miss.


Well you%26#39;ve already gotten all the information you need. Ask the bride and groom what the dress requirments will be, be aware that ';fashion'; in Fairbanks, means dressing warm. YOU will be cold, probably even in the reception hall so go long sleeves with a pretty sweater just to be safe. Boots and carrying your dress shoes into a location is totally acceptable. Have fun!

Oh and just to be clear. I meant for the sweater to be indoor wear. You%26#39;ll of course need a coat for to and from the car etc.

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