Monday, April 23, 2012

Sea fishing in Alaska

After our disastrous trip to Cuba (broke my ankle second day there and we spent the time in hospital, so no fishing for my husband), I am now thinking about us going to Alaska.

We obviously want to see some of he country as well as let my husband fish and for myself would like an hotel for some part of the holiday where I can have a bit of pampering. Does anyone have any advice on where we should go? Also is June a good time to go there?

Any information gratefully received. Thanks

Sea fishing in Alaska

Hi there fishing wife! Late June is one of my favorite times of year up here . . . and for a fishing trip, I would recommend time down on the Kenai Peninsula. I%26#39;ll let more fishing experts add there bit, but we have had good luck out of Ninilchik for halibut fishing.

You may want to journey around more - Alaska is a big state, and it takes a bit of driving to get anywhere . . . and yes, there are a few hotels where you could be pampered, but they do cost $$$.

Any other things you are thinking of?? Let us know - we%26#39;ll try to help. :)

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