Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Winter Solstice!!!

I have been so busy, I almost forgot until someone just mentioned it to me. Shortest and darkest day of the year for us here in the way Northern climate . . . but after today, it will be getting lighter - yipee! Just thought I would wish you all a happy day. : )

Happy Winter Solstice!!!

Thank you Coalminer and a happy day to you too. It is a miserable foggy, cold, raw day here but I am so happy days are going get slowly and gradually little longer. Every day!!

Happy Winter Solstice!!!

Ah yes, Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. The sun in Whitehorse, Yukon, will only be above the horizon (if there were no mountains) for 5 hours, 38 minutes today. With this very warm weather (+29F at the moment), though, come clouds, so it’s even darker. With the clouds, snow has arrived as well - Whitehorse is getting a lot, Carcross (45 miles south) is getting buried, with wind drifting it nearly hood-high on my Subaru overnight in places. We now have the amount of snow that normally doesn’t accumulate until late February or March. My kilometer-long driveway isn’t glaciering this year, but the snowplow is getting a good workout. Luckily I modified my push to send a lot of the snow over a steep enbankment or the banks would already be above my plow height - then the road starts to get narrow. See how interesting “the simple life” can be? :) But would I live anywhere else? Not a chance!


Murray - about -8F. here today and about 1/2 inch of fresh snow. I would love a good dump like you have - enjoy your white Christmas! Good thing you have a plow! :)


Having visited Carcross this summer I can picture how buried you are. Normally this time of year is our coldest here in Southern NH yet today was 44 degrees and we still haven%26#39;t seen snow flake one this season!!! I have always looked at today as one of the very best days of the year since we have hit the very bottom of the short day darkness and we%26#39;re heading out of the tunnel. At least I should be happy that our daylight is longer than yours, since we have about 9 full hours of sunlight. Having experienced a June week in your area I would really like to also experience a December week too.


I celebrated Winter Solstice with a vengence this year. I made gifts for a few friends, including ';sunshine'; cookies. I%26#39;ve been teaching myself how to henna this winter so tried some of those techniques out on my cookies. We had a Solstice party at a friends cabin. If any of you are interested in seeing what a waterless, electricless cabin looks like, you can see my pictures and read my story here:;_ylt=ArP.ef2iPnjhN_HXYnP2jdzlAOJ3?cq=1

It was -21 when I left my house to go out to my friends%26#39; cabin.

Thanks for sharing that page - you and your friends know how to celebrate the Solstice properly :)


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