Thursday, April 12, 2012

POLL: What's your favorite Alaska town?

we dream of a summer home in Alaska. We%26#39;ve been there a few times now, plan to go back often. I remember seeing a picture of Cooper Landing and falling in love with it. Seeing the town in person was even better. I wasn%26#39;t excited about Seward...until I got there. Breathtaking. On the other hand, I could hardly wait to get to Homer, then was disappointed with the drive down there. My how the terrain changes! :-)

So, what%26#39;s your favorite Alaskan town? And why? Just curious and adding to our list of places to visit next time.

POLL: What's your favorite Alaska town?

Hey now that%26#39;s kinda like asking someone to pick a favorite child! LOL

I personally loved Homer, we stayed out on the spit and had the most amazing views out our balcony. Also we had some of the best meals on our trip in that town. And it was the jumping off point for our trip to see the bears of the Katmai (highlight of our 2 weeks). I thought the drive from Anchorage down to Homer was, in places, stunning. Other parts of it reminded me of my home state of Oregon, so I loved it.

I also loved Talkeetna. Why? Just the feel of the place and the closeness to Denali. It was so quaint and the surrounding area was beautiful.

Skagway is right up there as well....just beautiful!

Like I said it%26#39;s kinda hard to pick just one since the state has so much to offer and the scenery is so different.


POLL: What's your favorite Alaska town?

I really like the towns in Alaska that feel like a real town - ones that have somewhat of a downtown type area . . .not all spread out all over. Seward and many of the towns in the Southeast . . . Palmer - love the farm feel and the incredible mountains that surround it. but for a summer home - well, we enjoy the Kenai - can%26#39;t beat the fishing, but I love the heat in Fairbanks - feels like a real summer day. They are all so different . . . that%26#39;s Alaska! :)

Heck, don%26#39;t pick a favorite......just rent a motor home and spend time touring the entire state for a whole;ll save a lot of money and have the flexibility to pick up and move whenever you want.....(don%26#39;t forget the Yukon Territory.....gorgeous country !)

but be sure to save your visit to Haines for the last, because this is where you will ultimately want to have that summer home......Trust me, one visit was all it took for us to decide to retire here......

Thanks for your responses, everyone! I can%26#39;t wait to get back there an explore further! We love being in those Alaskan mountains.

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