Thursday, April 12, 2012

HELP, cant figure out Denali online reservations for shuttle

I reserved space at Teklanika campground today for next Sept 2007. Went from there to the shuttle reservation page and was told the date was not available online (Next Sept 3rd!). I can%26#39;t figure out if this means the reservations can%26#39;t be made yet, or the date is already sold out. If its sold out I am going to have to change the camping reservation. Has anyone done this? Am I missing something on the reservation site? any advice appreciated, Lisa

HELP, cant figure out Denali online reservations for shuttle

My need for help has been withdrawn, later in the day I tried again and the system let me make the reservation with no problem, however, I do have a question for experienced reservation system users. The systems requires you to pay the park entrance fee when you reserve your site AND when you reserve the Tek pass, and will not complete the transaction unless you pay both times, why do you have the pay the park entrance fee twice? Lisa

HELP, cant figure out Denali online reservations for shuttle

I reserved campsites and in in another reservation reserved shuttle passes. I did not buy an entrace pass either time. We will be buying a season National Park pass at a later time. (I did make note of that in the comments form) The reservation system took it each time without buying the entrance fee or indicating that I had anither form of entry pass. Did all this early on Dec 1. Hope they take my reservations!!

I haven%26#39;t been able to book shuttle buses online even though I have tried every day. It showed the same message as you read, sorry, no seats available. I telephoned the helpline and was told to fax my reservations instead. Will I receive a confirmation at any time? It%26#39;s already been two days since I sent the reservations in.

When making your reservation, make sure you enter the date without any punctuation - slashes, hyphens, etc. Therfore July 1, 2007 should 070107not 07/01/07. If you enter it incorrectly, it will say no reservations available.

I recieved the comfirmations for both my campground and TEK pass shuttle reservations. No problems!

This forum is so good! Thank you, ghouck and pig for your replies. When I logged on to the shuttle reservations again and looked properly, I saw what you meant by not putting in slashes. That%26#39;s what I%26#39;d done before. Yes, it worked this time but I sent my faxes last Wednesday and haven%26#39;t heard a dickiebird from them yet. I%26#39;ll have to resort to phoning the help line again tomorrow.

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