Saturday, April 21, 2012

Glacier bay by floatplane or pilot's choice helicopter ride?

Money aside, which is the more rewarding trip in terms of view - glacier bay overflight by floatplane or pilot%26#39;s choice helicopter ride in Skagway?

Glacier bay by floatplane or pilot's choice helicopter ride?

Neither! There is one, high-wing plane which I can set you up with, and I get nothing but rave reviews for feed back on this guy! The best price is that you will pay about half of what you would for the ones that you mentioned! 907-209-5031 You just asked the right question! DD

Glacier bay by floatplane or pilot's choice helicopter ride?

You%26#39;re not saying where this flightseeing would take place. At the moment I%26#39;m more interested in which type of trip to do, i.e. which is principally the more scenic route, rather than actually looking for a tour operator, as we won%26#39;t be going until July next year. But thanks anyway, I will keep the phone number just in case.

Well, first I must apologise for the abruptness of my response which was brought on by a total misunderstanding of the time of your tour on my part!?! We were in the middle of the melee of the last week of cruise ships and I presumed that your arrival was imminent.... My other presumption was Glacier Bay since that was your question, so I was just being spare with words in my reply. If you happen to check my archives you might notice that this is a rare affliction for me!?! DD

PS. You seem enamored of our bears. What a pity that you weren%26#39;t here in that time last month. We were fairly consistent with the big bruins feeding on the flats at Dyea. One of my clients said that he had never pictured that photo op. even at ten times the thirty bucks that he paid to watch our bears dine on the salmon, and his wife was delighted that she didn%26#39;t have to dread the flight sickness with the trip in the van! This doesn%26#39;t happen every year but sometimes spontaneous reality works out well!

Thanks for your patience! DD

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