Thursday, April 12, 2012

Maharaja or Music Masala Alaska Cruise - Help


We are thinking very seriously to go on one of this cruise next year.

Before we make up our mind, I want to get some feedback from past desi tourists who had been on this cruise.

Thank you.

Maharaja or Music Masala Alaska Cruise - Help

My underrstanding is that Music Masala just books a few rooms on a Carnival ship. Their Web site shows a cruise in 2005, but nothing coming up - is there one in 2007?

Maharaja or Music Masala Alaska Cruise - Help

My understanding is they are located in Canada. I would not consider going with a company located in another country to a destination in this country. There are so many option available in this country. Personally, maybe I would consider Maharaja cruise for my trip to India but to Alaska, no way. I rather go for something that sounds more Alaskan and as explorenorth06 stated this company books with Carnival anyway. Why not to book directly with Carnival?

%26gt;%26gt;My understanding is they are located in Canada. I would not consider going with a company located in another country to a destination in this country. %26lt;%26lt;

Much of the cruise is in Canada.

With so much research on your part if I were you I wouldn%26#39;t hesitate using this company. never heard of anyone using them though. Hope you have a great trip to Alaska.

This is PURE 100 % marketing mumbo-jumbo.

I do not know what the reality is ..............hence I requested a feedback from a desi/indian tourist who actually took this cruise.

I NEVER and NEVER WILL base my decision on marketing stuff alone.

Thanks any way.

I will say do not go with indian group on masala cruise. I have recent experience in dec 2006. They charge $250 each person and the entertainment was zero and food was terrible and less selection then carnival cruise. Carnival food and shows was better. I paid $350 with carnival and $250 for masala. Carnival part was worth but masala cruise was just wastage of money. They make appx. $100000 by us and gave a garbage entertainment by hirinh local people for $2000 and only one item in lunch and in dinner we never get all menu items so I always goto carnival buffet and enjoy their show. So masala cruise people are misleeding by saying we have bombay people and better food. Once you are registered with ttem then you are stuck with their menu. try to save your hard worked money. I was disappointed by their food and entertaintment. There was no professional performers. Try to save money and invest in better room or for shopping. There is lot of food in cruise. You can be sick too by eating frozen indian roti.

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