Friday, March 30, 2012

Recommendations for one day

Hi, our cruise ship will be stopping in Haines for a day in June. We do not have any ';excursions'; booked out of Haines, so we were wondering what we could see or do within close walking distance of the pier?

We would like to go to the Brewery(hopefully it is close).

Any recommendations on unique shops or other places to go??


Recommendations for one day

You can walk to Sheldon Museum, Hammer Museum, American Bald Eagle Foundation, library, visitor center. Battery Point head trail is not too far if you want to hike. This was the most crowded trail during our 3-month long trip. In addition there were dozens of dogs running without leash with a few owners not paying much attention to them. Many roots on this trail. It wasn%26#39;t my favorite trail but eventually it took us to nice views.

You can go on organized tour to Kroschel Film Wildlife Center or take a guided Keet Goshi Tour to the native village of Klukwan. Those two tours pick you up in town.

Your last stop can be at the brewery but you won%26#39;t get a free beer

Or if you in town all day long rent a car and go on your own. I don%26#39;t shop when traveling so don%26#39;t have shopping suggestions.

Recommendations for one day

Places gave some great suggestions.

Usually cruise ships spend 8-12 hours in Haines. I would suggest renting a car and driving up the Haines Highway. I haven%26#39;t done it past the Canadian border but I heard it is an incredibly scenic drive.

If you like hiking, here is an excerpt from a post by mombear, a local Haines resident.

If on hiking day you wake up to clear skies (or predicted by afternoon)....head for Mt Riley Trailhead on Mud Bay Road.....This trail zig zags through the forest and up the mountain side (about 2.5 mi each way) arrives at a lovely meadow with plank boardwalk and continues up onto large boulders which will give you an almost 360 degree view up Lynn Canal to Skagway, up the Chilkat River towards Canada and down the Lynn Canal to Juneau....absolutely wonderful place to rest up and enjoy your lunch !!

If however you wake up on hiking day and it is drizzly head towards Battery Point Trailhead at the end of Beach Road.....this is a downhill hike (about 1.2 miles each way) through a typical rain forest, crossing several small for tree roots in the trail and avoid stepping on them, they are slippery.....this trail bursts out on a gorgeous crescent beach.....and the trail continues through rolling meadows that will be blooming with wildflowers in June.....(make noise, bears love these meadows too).....

Another great trail is located at Chilkat State Park about 7 miles south of town.....The trail starts at the first turn out on the left as you head down the gravel road in the park.....In fact I think there is a sign will be heading to Moose Meadows......trail heads downhill about 1.5 miles through rain forest, lots of boardwalks and bridges over creeks, huge skunk cabbage (looks like it%26#39;s a plant left over from the days of the dinosaur)......the trail ends at Moose Meadows which will be covered in wild roses in June (smells like heaven).....meadow is bordered by the Chilkat River with two glaciers within view across the for porcupines, otters, seals and, oh yes, maybe a moose......from this point you can return cross country at the water%26#39;s edge to the boat launch and then up the road to the parking area by the trailhead (still about 1.5 miles) but if you%26#39;re like me I like circle trips to see more scenery....whichever route you take, be sure to stop at the Ranger%26#39;s log cabin.....they have a spotting scope on the back deck to view the waterfall and possibly mountain goats on the other side of the river......they also have plant and bird identification books that are very educational after hiking for hours and seeing new things.....


Hey John, where%26#39;s my royalty check ??.....Actually nice not to have to reword it......


At the end of the cruise ship dock is a covered waiting area where passengers will be catching their tour buses.....there is also a free shuttle bus that comes by every 30 minutes, it makes stops at the Sheldon Musuem (history of the area), the visitors center (they will answer all your questions and have a huge supply of brochures and maps), the Bald Eagle Center (small museum of wildlife and film) and also drive through the Fort Seward before.....the shuttle runs the entire time that the ship is in town and can give you a good overview either before or after any other things you have planned......

Also at the end of the pier, just across the street you will see several buses and vans.....these are the independent tours with trips to see wildlife or the native village of Klukwan.....If you are interested in taking one of these make sure you ask for the one which goes to Chilkoot Lake, as late in the evening as you can afford and still get back to the ship in time.....this one will have the best chance at seeing bears....Another great tour would be the one out to Steve Kroschels wildlife compound....

As for the brewery it is about 1/2 mile from downtown in ';Dalton City'; at the fairgrounds.....Dalton City is a group of buildings that were used while filming the movie ';White Fang';.....You could take the shuttle as far as Mountain Market and be dropped off, that would be the shortest walk out to the Fairgrounds, just walk past the schools and look for the sign on the left side of the highway....

As for shops, Haines does have a few of the t-shirt and post card type places,...but do look around for local the Native Arts building in old Fort Seward, there is active totem pole carving and a small collection of local art for sale....There is a local woman who makes wonderful silver bracelets

....just ask around if you are interested in local creations.......Chilkat Dancers give a nice little performance each afternoon (4:00, I think) in a building in the fort%26#39;s parade grounds.....Stop by Dijon delights to sample smoked salmon, pickled seaweed and birch syrup.....

You may also want to rent bicycles and go for a the top of the hill behind the last of the fort buildings is Third Street....ride up to Mud Bay Rd, bike down the hill to the Chilkat River, enjoy the scenery along the beach for about a mile (even get off and walk down to the beach, lots of meandering trails and there should still be some wildflowers during early June....there may be a couple happy dogs running down there, Hainiacs love their dogs !! back on the road bike up to the intersection with Small Tracts Road and turn left (yep, uphill) and then back to the fort.....This will be about a 4 mile round trip and if you%26#39;re a good walker, it is quite do-able in two hours.....

All of the above can be done without a rental car....

But if you want to expand your boundaries by renting a car, reserve ahead of time, and have them meet you at the dock......

Wow, thanks for all the great suggestions!!! Looks like our biggest problem is going to be picking between them all! 8-)

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