Saturday, March 24, 2012

Etiquette Question re local outfitters

We are likely going to book a local outfitter during our trip ---

What is the etiquette:

Should we buy lunch (or whatever meal if the tour goes over a mealtime) for the operator?

If it is the owner of the outfitter operation, should we still tip? (Example: an ';owner'; of a beauty salon is generally not tipped)


Etiquette Question re local outfitters

As an Alaska-Yukon tour guide for 17 years until retiring 2 years ago, I can say that there is no established etiquette for tipping if the owner is the guide. You%26#39;ll hear exact opposite opinions from various people (if the guide went above-and-beyond what I paid for, I tip regardless). You definitely don%26#39;t have to buy him/her lunch, though.

Etiquette Question re local outfitters

We had a lengthy discussion last year about tipping. You might find that thread interesting:鈥?/a>

There are several comments from me in last years thread and I will say after our pricey trip (8 days/7 nights) we ended up leaving a hefty tip, and feeling totally good about it.

The crew of 3 (6 passengers) did go totally above %26amp; beyond, but I feel that for them, what we got was the norm, that was the way they ran the operation.

It was totally worth all the money spent. In the end, I felt it was up to them how it was divided up. We have tipped most of the outfitters we have gone tripping with.

If the tour goes through lunch, most of them usually provide lunch, or at least some sort of snack. What type of tour are you going on?

Thanks for the link -- I%26#39;ll access that thread and read it!

And -- we are looking at a number of options -- mostly with independent providers. But since I%26#39;ve never done anything as long as one that we are looking at -- 7 hours or so -- I was just wondering.

%26#39;if the guide went above-and-beyond what I paid for, I tip regardless%26#39;

That%26#39;s my opinion, too.

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