Friday, March 30, 2012

Iditarod 2009

I will be in Alaska the weekend of the Iditarod start. Figured it might be worth trying to see the restart. I would be coming from Talkeetna the morning of Sunday March 8th so the tip in posts from previous years about parking in Wasilla and taking a shuttle (directed at those coming from Anchorage) seem pointless since it involves too much backtracking.

Are there no shuttles from the Willow airport (parking in recent years) to where the spectators stand?

The iditarod website is conspicuously absent of many specifics - maybe they will be posted later. But it looks like it started at 2pm in prior years. What time do you suggest arriving in Willow by? Be there by 11am in order to park and get to the start? Are there security concerns (e.g. no camera bags, liquids, etc)? I plan on taking my camera equipment (SLR body, 2-3 lenses, spare batteries and memory cards, etc).

This could really turn out to be an incredible trip if we get to see the Northern Lights to boot. For sure the ice art championships, take a dogsled ride up to 4 hours with Earthsong Lodge and now see the Iditarod restart.

Thanks for any tips/info.


Iditarod 2009

Not fair! I%26#39;m soooo jealous. Don%26#39;t you need a wife to travel with? Oh wait . . . I%26#39;m already married :)

I wish I could help with the questions on the Iditarod, so all I have to contribute is to remember your tripod if you%26#39;re hoping to do aurora photography.

Enjoy John!

Iditarod 2009

%26gt;%26gt;Not fair! I%26#39;m soooo jealous. Don%26#39;t you need a wife to travel with? Oh wait . . . I%26#39;m already married :)

I wonder if a wife could keep up with me:-) Maybe that is why I have been single all my life. Or maybe it is because I can travel twice as often by myself if I don%26#39;t have to pay for someone to tag along? Well, that%26#39;s not true - others sometimes travel with me and it is surprising how little difference there often is between one and two people traveling together (lodging often the same price, 2-for-1 coupons help, etc).

%26gt;%26gt;I wish I could help with the questions on the Iditarod, so all I have to contribute is to remember your tripod if you%26#39;re hoping to do aurora photography.

I have my Alaska packing down to a science and that includes packing my tripod (and in the summer my tent, sleeping bag, camp stove, etc!). But thanks for the reminder. Fortunately I still get 2 free checked bags with Northwest but only 1 with Alaska Air. For the March trip I should only need one checked bag.


I found some info from last year that might help:鈥?/a>

Thanks Manitoba. If there is a shuttle from Talkeetna, that is ideal since we will be staying there. I am sure more details will become available closer to race time.


%26gt;%26gt;I wonder if a wife could keep up with me:-) Maybe that is why I have been single all my life. Or maybe it is because I can travel twice as often by myself if I don%26#39;t have to pay for someone to tag along? Well, that%26#39;s not true - others sometimes travel with me and it is surprising how little difference there often is between one and two people traveling together (lodging often the same price, 2-for-1 coupons help, etc).%26lt;%26lt;

I understand completely John! I travel quite a bit by myself too, mostly because some of my interests are a bit ';extreme'; for my dear hubby. Alaska is just not something in the winter he%26#39;s interested in doing . . . too cold. I%26#39;m blessed that he%26#39;s very good about letting me do those types of things, so long as he too has the opportunity to do warm things when it%26#39;s cold here in Wisconsin.

As for the 2:1 coupies, I%26#39;ve found some places will honor them as half price for single travelers. Never hurts to ask.


I plan on hitting Willow restart this year and will probably drive to Willow. I have alwasy been able to find parking, usually behind the elementary school, it is a bit of a walk but if you are up to it you will have company. You can also still park at the airport as far as I know. The restart has traditionally been at 2pm, I think the only change would be due to weather. Just pack a backpack with everything you may need, there is/was no security in past years. Plan on walking a ways out on the ice and down the trail it is nice to have some space to yourself. The start in Anchorage is also quite fun and if you could make it for that it is an entirely different event, all pomp and ceremony etc. Fur Rondy is also going on in Anchorage at the time. Just an FYI, there is a new grocery in Talkeetna at the cutoff so you can pick up supplies there.

Thanks spacefry for the great info.

It just won%26#39;t work to get to Anchorage. I planned months ago to fly into Fairbanks on Thu Mar 5th and really can%26#39;t change that now (using miles, have car booked, etc). Our main interests were the ice art championships and possibility of Northern Lights. Then we added a 4 hour dogsled excursion planned for Saturday March 7th at Denali (Healy actually - through Jon and Earthsong Lodge). After that tour we will drive to Talkeetna then Sunday am to Willow.

Seems like we will have a choice - a shuttle bus from Talkeetna if offered like last year or drive to Willow. Which would you suggest? I assume the advantage of the shuttle is no parking issues, advantage of the car is flexibility in leaving when we want. Last shuttle last year was 6pm but that is fine with us - we are driving back to Fairbanks that evening. Thoughts?


It is a short ride so if a shuttle is a available that might be nice. It would also give a you a driving and stress break since you will be driving back to Fairbanks that night. I think if you drive you will be walking a bit and if you have camera gear and food etc. it may be a hassle.

I can%26#39;t remember if you have been to the Ice Art Championship before or not, but I would recommend you go during the day and then return at night, the contrast between the two is amazing. I also am not sure of the dates (usually early March) but you might want to check out Chatanika Days or even the just go have a meal at the roadhouse, I find it quite the entertaining place and not too rough to take your neice out to.

It is too bad you will miss Fur Rondy but I am sure you will be back for another trip so no worries.

Thanks for your post and for the great info as usual. We were planning on a day and night visit to the Ice Art Championships anyway but thanks for mentioning that.

Yes, I will have a large and heavy camera bag so perhaps the shuttle from Talkeetna to Willow will be best - I am sure more info about it will be forthcoming as the race gets closer.

Now you piqued my curiosity. Chatanika Days. Never heard of the place but nothing surprising there. Apparently sponsored by the Chatanika Lodge. Dates are the second weekend in March per my phone call to them. Wouldn%26#39;t work this trip, but maybe that and Fur Rondy for another trip :-)


WoW! With a little luck, I might finally get to see the face belonging to fti. As time gets closer, let%26#39;s touch base. I%26#39;ll be riding in the ceremonial start on Saturday and will be in Willow extra early on Sun (or so I%26#39;ve been told to be).


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