Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Seward to Anchorage

We have a group of friends getting of a cruise early July and would like to spend the day sightseeing or activity engaging before getting up to Anchorage that evening. I am looking for top things to do for a day in/around or between Seward and Anchorage. Also since there will be 9 to 11 of us we were considering getting a limo van or van.


Seward to Anchorage

Yes, you might repost this in the Seward forum . . . Denali is hundreds of miles from Seward, though if I could help you I would.

I would suggest doing a tour of Kenai Fjords as well as stopping in at the Sea Life Center. Maybe hike Exit glacier . . . all things you can do right in Seward. Good luck! :)

Seward to Anchorage

What time does your plane leave Anchorage?

If you have time, the top activity would be a 6 hour Kenai Fjords wildlife cruise (also spends time at a calving glacier, much closer than the cruiseships get to one). There is one 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm. It would take 2.5 to 3 hrs. to drive to Anchorage after that. If your plane doesn%26#39;t leave until quite late, you could stop along the way at Wildlife Conservation Center (open until 8 pm) to see rescued bears, moose, etc..

Other activities in Seward are SeaLife Center, Ididaride or Godwin Glacier sled dog tours %26amp; rides, kayaking, fishing, walk to the face of Exit Glacier, Harding Icefield Hike.

A note on the Harding Icefield hike - it is only accessible certain times of the year - check out the national park website.…harding_icefield_trail.htm

It is VERY strenuous... but I hear tell it is OH so rewarding. It%26#39;s on my list - but usually have a toddler or baby with me... maybe this summer. We got up quite a bit with a toddler in the Kelty backpack a few years ago - but it was getting too dangerous with the steepness so we turned around (sadly) so we didn%26#39;t dump our child on the ground! So - just so everyone knows - it%26#39;s quite an uphill trek.

Forgot to add - Lots of people recommend dinner at the Double Musky Inn at Girdwood if you are looking for a place on your way up to Anchorage to eat. Google it - very unique food - but is highly rated. Cajun style - famous dishes. The decor is not what I expected. But - you will see people just come off a huge hike in hiking gear, or others being delivered in evening wear via limo. That%26#39;s one nice thing about Alaskan - you can blow a few hundred dollars on dinner and be wearing hiking boots.

One could spend quite a bit of time in Girdwood - Alyeska Tram, drinks at the top, hiking out a nice trail from the bottom of the resort.

There are other things to see in Girdwood - Indian Valley meats, Candle making store in Girdwood. Portage area - nice educational center there.

I like looking for beluga whales when the tide is in - and looking for wildlife on the hills with my binoculars.

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