Friday, March 30, 2012

Park Connection payment options

As we will be using these coaches while we are there, I have lovely printed schedules etc.

I know which services we want but so far I can%26#39;t find out if we can just book when we get there and pay cash.

Alaska Travel appears on the website but they want pre payment which involves extra expense for us.

I thought there might be a depot we could book and pay at or pay the driver.

We will be travelling the first two weeks in September and have five days before we require our first coach trip. I thought it would be enough notice.

Hope someone can help.

Park Connection payment options

Are you asking about the bus that goes into Denali National Park? If so, you can pay for that in cash when you get there. During the peak season it%26#39;s best to get your ticket in advance but in September things are slowing down at Denali and you shouldn%26#39;t have any problem.

Park Connection payment options

Yes, that%26#39;s the one.

Good to know that cash is O.K. but how does it work.

Will they just tell me how when I %26#39;phone to book?

You book the bus through the Park Service Wilderness Access Center. I%26#39;m not sure if they will take a reservation without advance payment. In September you should be able to get seats by buying the tickets the day before the bus trip. Check out the Denali National Park web site. You can give them a call but I%26#39;m not sure if at this time of year you will be talking to someone in Alaska. The bus concession is run by a big tourist company under contract to the Park Service. The tourist services at the Park are all shut down now. You can ask what the bookings are like in September but if your talking to someone in Iowa or India they will have no idea. Call in May when things open up at the Park, you%26#39;ll have plenty of time to book your bus trip before September.

Have a good trip.

I think you%26#39;re talking about 2 different things. I believe Restless2006 is asking about the Park Connection buses that run from Anchorage (and maybe other places) to the entrance to Denali and Tralika is talking about the Park Service shuttles into Denali from the visitor center. Restless - I took a Park Connection bus from Anchorage to the entrance to Denali (very pleasant driver and commentary) but I booked it through my travel aganet so I cannot answer your question. Most people seemed to be handing in vouchers, I don%26#39;t recall seeing anyone pay in cash. Sorry that I can%26#39;t answer your question.

Sorry about the confusion everyone.

I will try again to find the address of the agent on the coach website.

I got a lot of help from them until I said that I wanted to pay cash. Then I got no reply.

Other people must book when they get there.

Here%26#39;s the website for the Park Connection Coach. Looks like you can make reservations right on the site:

Good luck

I received a reply to another email from The Park Connection coach service.

If you can%26#39;t pre-pay, you can%26#39;t reserve your seats in advance.

However, you can rock up fifteen minutes before the bus leaves and pay cash.

As we are travelling off peak it shouldn%26#39;t be a problem but they say that sometimes a service will be booked out.

We will %26#39;phone a day or two before and hopefully they will be able to tell us if there is room for two more. If not there should be time to make other arrangements.

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